
AID: Avatar-Induced Depression

So, evidently, James Cameron's journey to the jungle moon Pandora featured such great CG visuals and 3D technology, that fans are becoming depressed and even suicidal because they'll never be able to visit the fictional satellite.

Discussions of over a thousand posts have popped up on forum sites and now this phenomenon is getting mainstream attention at the Huffington Post and CNN:

Lovely typo in the graphic. Thanks television.

Frankly, I feel it's a tad insulting to become suicidal that you'll never be able to go to a fictional planet when the one you're already on has so much to offer and would greatly appreciate your help in keeping it that way.

To suggest that that sort of verdance isn't present on Earth is just dumb. If you're not willing to go outside, turn on NatGeo and check it out.

If one is so touched by the flora and fauna presented in Cameron's movie, that shouldn't depress them about never being able to visit. Instead, it should ignite a purpose in them to visit, appreciate and protect Earth's own wild spaces.


YS said...

I find it hard to believe that anyone would become suicidal over this without being mentally unstable/depressed to begin with. And if that's so, I'd feel bad for them before I'd be offended by them...

Brow said...

I'd wager its a form of emotional instability.

Never found love. Probably thinks if only I could be on pandora I could. Bullet to the face.

Bryan said...

Ya i agree how a person can react after getting so much depressed...Am also writing on the same theme...You can get all the latest information about depression on this...
Depression facts